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Dec 6, 2023

The Lobby Update

The Lobby Update

The Lobby Update

We have completed reworked our entire lobby system when it comes to all gadgets, settings, rotations, parkour, leaderboards and more!

10+ New Gadgets! (18 Gadgets in Total)

  • We have completely overhauled our gadgets menu to allow ranked players to have more custom items to use in lobbies! There are now 4 unique gadgets each for Lite Rank, Vip Rank & Pro Rank. Along with 6 unique gadgets for Plus Rank!
  • Each rank has access to a rank specific mount that is rideable in all lobbies.

This mount is a skeleton horse with extreme speeds and jump height specific to players with Plus Rank+ and is called the Trusty Steed!

Settings Menu

  • We have condensed our chat settings, general settings and privacy menus into one social settings page that is fully customizable and adjustable for each player's preferences.
  • You are now able to control your lobby experience based upon your rank.
  • All Ranks: Name Pings, Quick Access to the Quests & Rewards NPC, Private Messages, Friend Requests and Party Requests can now be toggled on, off or enabled for friends. (Staff bypass these settings & YouTubers can friend other YouTubers without toggling settings)
  • Pro Rank+: Toggleable Lobby Join Messages
  • Plus Rank+: Quick Access to /Nick & Anti-Bonk (Disables Being Bonked by Gadgets)

Rotations Menu

  • We have fully redone the active "Rotations" item in the lobby to be accurate with all Current Twists & Maps that are currently playable.


  • Leaderboards now not only track the top 10 players on the server for Stars, Finals, Beds, and Wins but also track your current position in comparison to all other players. This allows you to know how close you are to being on the leaderboard of top 10 players for each category!

Parkour Rebalance

  • We have reworked the parkour system to operate correctly with our 10+ New Gadgets and added an extra checkpoint in the parkour to force players to complete the whole parkour course instead of taking shortcuts!

/Help Menu

  • Created an organized list of global commands depending on your rank so that all players know what commands they have access to and how each of them work in one convenient place.

We will be publicly releasing a TwistMC Texture Pack that will have custom textures for all TwistMC Related GUI and Items. Make sure to pay attention to the #announcements channel on dsc.gg/TwistMC for more information over the next few weeks!